Welcome To Fenstermann LLC

Fenstermann LLC

Shades For Tilt and Turn Windows

Our Services

Get the Attractive Shades for Your Home

Our company has been the provider of authentic quality blinds for a long time and over time we have gained our customer’s trust.

What about Our Blinds?

By providing our standard design blinds, we take care of two things. Firstly, our blinds will be the cause behind the optimal temperature in your place that will make you feel restful and content.

Lastly, our blinds can increase the beauty of your place by offering elegance that comes with their beautiful designs. This way you can get a reliable window treatment and also make the room look eloquent.

For Wood Windows

You have pretty structured windows and you want their style to be visible, thus looking for blinds that can easily be installed in the frame and leave their structure clear for view. Our blinds are designed to perform this function.

We have a large variety of blinds that will fit on your wooden windows and have a long shelf life, so forget about changing them for a long time. Give your home a pleasant look by getting our homely blinds.

For Wood Aluminum Clad Windows

Cladding your windows is important to protect them from harsh weather conditions. Though most people feel concerned about what kind of blinds they should put on them. Rest assured you can install our blinds easily on these windows.

Like inside mount blinds they are also designed to fit right in the window and keep it safe from dust and any accident from the impact of hard objects. At the same time, they also increase the life of your widows.

For uPVC / Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows are a great option for such locations where rain is most expected. We offer a reliable treatment for your windows that will be convenient to install in them and require no effort from your side.

Our blinds are all affordable and durable. The other most important thing that keeps them in good shape is their easy-to-get-cleaned ability. Their easy maintenance and effective working make them a reliable option for you.

For Aluminum Windows

It is an excellent idea to get such windows at your place as they are hard to crack and much resistant to the outside environment. Most people ask us about the installation process of our blinds as they do not want to put any nails on them.

Gladly, our blinds do not need to get fixed in your windows via the use of any tool but they simply go in the window frame. Once you choose the design of your taste, you will find them quite easy to install.

For Folding Doors

Our services are for all kinds of windows and also provide blinds for your folding doors. You will find a large collection of blinds that come for windows and doors, like vertical, roller, pleated, and various other blinds.

With the use of mounting material or brackets, they will go in the door frame and you will not experience any difficulty while opening or closing the door as they are contrary to the conventional style and based on modern mechanisms.

Our Procedure

Installation Options Part One

We will walk you through every step that comes in the installation of blinds and when followed properly, you will get accurately installed blinds.

Permanent Inside Mount

Our blinds install inside the window frame and there will be screws needed to hold them still, an excellent choice for wood windows.

Drill-free Inside Mount

A completely reliable option for aluminum and uPVC windows, as said earlier no requirement of any drilling.

Glue Plate Inside Mount

Directly get fixed in the glass bead, no need for any tool or mechanical force to put them in the windows.

Our Procedure

Installation Options Part Two

Following are the steps that we follow to ensure the perfect installation of your shades according to the standard.

Adhesive Glue Strip

Easy to install to the glass and an ideal option for uPVC, aluminum windows. Though not go with window grids.

Glass Bead Bracket

This goes well with grid windows as they mount on the outside and is convenient for installing in wooden and uPVC windows.

Clamp Bracket

Require sash to put them outside the window frame and are not permanently fixed. Excellent for aluminum, uPVC, and wood windows.